Since our first national park camping trip in 2010, we’ve learned a few things about outdoor gear. Our #parkchasing gear has grown from hand-me-downs to must-haves in the nearly 10 years we’ve traveled together. When buying gear we look for affordability and durability. Our gear shouldn’t cost us a fortune, but should last through every park on our list. This page has our current #parkchasing gear with info about what we love and what we don’t. Note: Some of the links to these gear items are affiliate links. A portion of purchases from these links and from Amazon.com help fund more #parkchasing. We appreciate your support and rely on it to continue our adventures!

Big Agnes Rattlesnake SL 2 Person mtnGLO Tent
We purchased our Big Agnes tent in 2015 for our first trip to Rocky Mountain National Park. Since then we’ve taken it to more than 10 different trips.

Therm-a-Rest ProLite Mattress
We’ve used these Therm-a-Rest rollout mats since 2015. At the time they were the lightest weight and smallest packing option on the market.

NEMO Fillo Inflatable Travel Pillow
After years of trying to stuff our bedroom pillows in compression sacks, we finally upgraded to inflatable travel pillows for our Alaska trip in 2017.

GSI Outdoors Pinnacle Camper Cookware Set
Our GSI cookware set has been a staple in our camping gear since 2010. We love how they collapse together for compact storage and how the 4 person set gives us some flexibility in cooking for ourselves or a larger group.

MSR PocketRocket 2 Ultralight Backpacking
We are by no means experts on choosing a camping stove set up. Every trip is different and your needs for fuel will be too. But we’ve gotten by with an ultralight burner and ISOPRO fuel canisters for years without any issues

Katadyn BeFree Water Filtration System
The Katadyn water filtration bottles are the latest gear items added to our list, a gift in 2017. After research on what works the best for front country weekends and backcountry travels, we decided on the Katadyn system

Canon EOS Rebel T5i 18-135mm IS STM Digital SLR
All the photos on our site are taken with either an iPhone or Canon EOS Rebel T5i. We’ve schlepped camera through Denali and up Mount Katahdin in Maine and captured some amazing memories on our trips.

Big Agnes mtnGLO™ PowerCase/Loft Joey® T55
When Big Agnes released this attachment for our tent, we jumped on the option for a space to keep our electronics dry and safe in the tent. It’s lightweight, includes & extra set of battery-powered LED lights for tent.

Black Diamond Cosmo Headlamp
We spent the first three years camping without headlamps. Big mistake. Some friends introduced us to them on a rainy camping trip in Olympic National Park and we were hooked.

Osprey Packs Kestrel 38 Backpack
We purchased our Osprey packs on our first trip to Glacier National Park in 2010. They’ve been with us ever since. Greg carries the Kestrel 48 and Amy carries the Kestrel 38.

REI Flexlite Macro Chair
REI Flexlite Macro Chair When you start bringing camping gear on the airplane, one of the first hiccups is how to pack a camp chair. No suitcase can fit those extra long bag chairs to sit by the campfire.

Sea to Summit eVent Compression Dry Sacks
Lot of people have asked us how we manage to get all our camping gear in a 50 lb. suitcase to fly on an airplane. It would not be possible without these Sea to Summit compression sacks.